Sunday, June 2, 2013

BED 2009/2011

 About Me

I am U. Shyamalie Abeykoon, following the Bachelor of Education Degree Course in National Institute of Education, Maharagama. And I am studying both at Gampaha & Maharagama Centers. I am teaching at the Zonal Computer Resource Center at WP/GM/Galahitiyawa Central College.
About Our Computer Resource Center
Galahitiyawa Computer Resource Center is established in 1993. Since then there are about eight thousand children have studied in our center. Every year we conduct computer courses as,
  1. Certificate in Office Application
  2. Graphic Designing
  3. Web Designing
  4. Computer Hardware & Networking 
  5. Programming in Java
Twice a year we register two groups as, who sat the Ordinary Level Examination and  who sat the Advanced Level Examination. We offer valuable certificate to the students who had successfully completed the course.

Today computer literacy is also valuable as literacy. The students who have studied in our center easily get the ability to work with computer to do their day today works and other intermediate skills of computer literacy. For 20 years we are serving the nation in keeping touch our students with the digital world.

Project Proposal

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